Affiliated Journals and Publications


AU is the UW undergraduate-run speculative fiction journal, a quarterly that is "dedicated to fantasy, science fiction, magical realism and other strange and mystical genres."


Bricolage is the UW's undergraduate literary and visual arts journal, publishing prose, poetry, and artwork by students, faculty, and alumni. They publish annually and are staffed by undergraduate volunteers.

MLQ: A Journal of Literary History

MLQ, a journal of literary criticism and theory, has been edited at UW since 1941. In 1993, its format and focus were revised and the subtitle "A Journal of Literary History" added. Edited by Marshall Brown, professor of comparative literature, it is devoted to understanding texts of the recent and distant past as the representations, agents, and vehicles of change, in their own day and in their afterlives.


Poetry Northwest, edited by David Wagoner, was published at the University of Washington from 1960 to 2002.  One of the longest-running magazines in the country which published nothing but poetry, it gained a reputation for consistently high quality contents and production values, and was especially known for its discovery and encouragement of young poets who later became well known.


This literary journal has been published at the University of Washington since 1978, committed to offering an exciting range of work from both new and established artists, and including poetry, fiction, essays and creative nonfiction, interviews and dialogues, theatre and visual arts. Contributors have included such writers as Rita Dove, Czeslaw Milosz, Kathleen Spivack, Al Young and David Wagoner. Andrew Feld is editor-in-chief.


TBS/The Black Scholar is a peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journal providing cogent articles that help the understanding of issues of social concern to black Americans and other peoples of African descent across the world. To provide full range for the development of black thought in a climate where fora are still limited, it emphasizes writings by black authors. The journal was launched in 1969 with the premise that black authors, scholars, artists and activists could participate in dialogue within its pages, “uniting the academy and the street.” Its editors have been dedicated to finding and developing new talent and continuing to publish established authors. TBS is now a refereed journal. Nonetheless, it retains its policy of publishing non-academic organic intellectuals from a variety of vocations and avocations. Its current editor-in-chief is Louis Chude-Sokei.


Studies in American Indian Literatures is the only scholarly journal in the United States that focuses exclusively on American Indian literatures. SAIL is published quarterly by the University of Nebraska Press for the Association for the Study of American Indian Literatures (ASAIL). Edited by Chadwick Allen, a professor in the Department of English, SAIL invites scholarly manuscripts on all aspects of American Indian literatures, as well as bibliographical essays, review essays, and interviews. SAIL defines “literatures” broadly to include all written, spoken, and visual texts created by Native peoples.  
